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No. 25

"I Love Exercise & Family Life" By Decideria

No. 26

Valentine By Luella & Elizabeth

There is a crowd that gathers at William Wells Brown Community Center each week to get fit and have fun doing Zumba.  As they dance together, they encourage one another, laugh, and sweat.  I joined them a few weeks ago and found I was surrounded by lots of friends, some of whom had never met one another.  We exchanged introductions in English and Spanish, and I discovered that, for each of them, this weekly gathering was by far their favorite thing in the neighborhood.

These three women, connected by their shared adventures in exercise, have created both an English and Spanish expression of appreciation.  Their work is part of a project in our neighborhood called Lovin’ the ‘hood and, through these images, neighbors are supporting a new approach to the celebration of Valentine’s Day.  We believe declaring our love for the people, places, and things in our vicinity can bring fresh conversation and appreciation to communities.  May the love of our neighborhood bring a little love to you and yours!

Miss the start of the series?  Check out the archive to enjoy the valentines you didn’t catch!

Need ideas for a new beginning?  This is part of a series on New Year’s resolutions.  Join me and explore how learning, going green, getting fit, and reaching out can be transformed into community contributions.

The new year marks a notorious checkpoint for many westerners.  We examine our progress toward goals and our strategies for implementing them, we alter our attitudes and monitor our waistlines according to the latest trends.  In general, our resolutions for fitness and wellness are individualistic.  With the goal of maintaining a healthy weight by being more active, eating a better variety of foods, and taking better care of ourselves, we set out on a personalized fitness regimen January one.  Often, we deem fitness something to be achieved privately, but many have begun to recognize that the key to real change lies in creating a community in which we join together in the pursuit of a healthier lifestyle.  After all, peer pressure works both positively and negatively.

If you’re hoping for a more balanced approach to daily habits, consider making healthy choices a part of your community activities in 2012.  Get active by inviting a neighbor to walk with you weekly or find local kids to play tag with at the park.  Take this opportunity to find a friend with whom you can attend a jazzy aerobics class.  Locally and nationally, the YMCA is a great place to start.  Group fitness classes, health challenges, and camaraderie are a part of the mission of the Y as an organization.  However, in my neighborhood, The William Wells Brown Community Center is known for its committed exercise enthusiasts.  Local columnist Merlene Davis shares stories of her stalwart exercise buddies who get active even when facing physical difficulties.  The Zumba class at the center serves as a serious dance party for folks around the ‘hood.  It’s hard to resist the chance to get fit while having fun!

Here in the East End, another project is underway that is getting people fired up about eating right.  Food Works East End will be working to share all the best information about food in a creative fashion here in our neighborhood!  If you’re in search of healthier eating habits, consider starting your own recipe swap with other conscientious cooks around the corner.  Host a monthly cooking party to test newly discovered meal ideas.  In addition, check out a cookbook from the public library and venture a few shelves over to scope out the gardening books.  Gardens are a great source of inspiration for both healthy eating and community connections, so why not start your own?  If that’s more than you bargained for, visit a local farmers’ market and get to know local food growers.  If you haven’t found a good source for food ideas in your neck of the woods, ask around or get something started.

Making lifestyle changes can be challenging, but, as humans, we have one great force we can tap into to get motivated:  pleasure.  Become a part of a community and you may very well discover enjoyment in healthier habits!

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